Introduction to the History of Japanese and Korean Pop Songs 
文學院  音樂學研究所  
Ceiba 課程網頁

An introductory course on the history of Japanese and Korean popular songs and music. It explores the formation and transformation of popular music in the socio-historical contexts of Japan and Korea from a comparative perspective as well as cultural relations and exchanges between the two countries. It aims at combining fact-based and issue-oriented approaches so as to enable reflections upon popular music in different socio-historical contexts including Taiwan. As such, while the lecture covers a variety of music genres and scenes in Japan and Korea including enka, rock, folk, idols, J-pop, hip hop, among many, it is also organized around more general issues in cultural theory such as colonialism, modernity, warfare and military, governmental censorship, political activism, decolonization, globalization and localization, exoticism and cultural otherness, femininity and masculinity, national and ethnic identity, authenticity and hybridity, language and translation, the music industry and mass media, new technologies, major/indie dichotomy, active audiences and subcultural practices, etc. 

The main purposes of this course include; to get to know popular songs and their social contexts in a chronological order; to become familiar with important concepts and keywords in Japanese and Korean; to carefully listen to actual sounds and put into words original thoughts about them; to understand historical associations between popular music and society that produces and consumes it; to comprehend the complexity of Japan-Korea cultural relations; and to reflect upon the aforementioned issues in other contexts in a comparative manner.  
Language Proficiency: The lecture is held in English. But throughout the course many words such as artist names, song titles and local notions are given in their original forms, that is, in Japanese or Korean. The ability to read either Japanese or Korean materials is thus preferred but not required. Essential is the willingness to self learn the basics of these languages instead. The instructor provides handouts, translations and audio-visual materials to encourage students to understand the foreign history.

Historical Sensitivity: This course puts its emphasis on historical understanding, and as such, it utilizes sound clips in their original quality for playback. It also assigns students to write on some of the sound clips. Accordingly, students are required to historisize their musical sensitivities and tastes to attend to those ‘old-fashioned’ songs. 
Office Hours
In Japanese
1. 北中正和, 2003 [1995], 《増補 にほんのうた:戦後歌謡曲史》, 平凡社ライブラリー (KITANAKA Masakazu, Japanese Songs: A History of Pop Tunes Since 1945, Enlarged Edition) (總圖2F藝術資料區 913.631 1151 2647016)

2. 田家秀樹, 2005 [1999], 《読むJ-POP: 1945-2004》, 朝日文庫 (TAKE Hideki, Reading J-Pop: 1945-2004, Revised Edition)

3. 烏賀陽弘道, 2005, 《J-Popとは何か―巨大化する音楽産業》, 岩波新書 (UGAYA Hiromichi, What is J-Pop: The Outgrowing Music Industry)

4. 佐藤良明, 1999, 《J-Pop進化論―〈ヨサホイ節〉から〈Automatic〉へ》, 平凡社新書 (SATO Yoshiaki, The Evolution of J-Pop: From Yosahoi Bushi to Automatic )

5. 菊池清麿, 2008, 《日本流行歌変遷史》, 論創社 (KIKUCHI Kiyomaro, The Historical Transformations in Japanese Popular Song)

6. 輪島祐介, 2010, 《創られた「日本の心」神話―「演歌」をめぐる戦後大衆音楽史》, 光文社新書 (WAJIMA Yusuke, The invented myth of“Japanese spirits”: The history of postwar Japan's popular music with a special focus on enka).

In Korean
1. 이영미, 2006 [1998], 《한국대중가요사》, 시공사 (LEE Young Mi, Korean Popular Song: A History, Revised Edition)

2. 박찬호, 2009,《한국가요사 2: 1945-1980》, 미지북스 (Park Chan Ho, A History of Korean Popular Songs Vol.2: 1945-1980)

3. 신현준, 2005, 《한국 팝의 고고학 1960》《한국 팝의 고고학 1970》, 한길아트 (SHIN Hyun Jun, The Archeology of Korean Pop 1960, 1970, 2 volumes)

4. 손민정, 2009, 《트로트의 정치학》, 음악세계 (SON Min-Jun, The Politics of Teuroteu)

In English
1. Timothy J. Craig, 2000, Japan Pop!: Inside the World of Japanese Popular Culture, M E Sharpe Inc

2. Bonnie Wade, 2004. Music in Japan: Experiencing Music, Experiencing Culture, New York: Oxford University Press.

3. Keith Howard ed., 2006, Korean Pop Music: Riding the Korean Wave, Global Oriental.

4. Carolyn S. Stevens, 2007, Japanese Popular Music: Culture, Authenticity and Power, Routledge

Supplementary Readings (chronological order in each language):

北川純子編, 1999, 《鳴り響く性―日本のポピュラー音楽とジェンダー》, 勁草書房 (KITAGAWA Junko ed. Resounding Sex: Japanese Popular Music and Gender)

南田勝也, 2001, 《ロックミュージックの社会学》, 青弓社 (MINAMIDA Katsuya, The Sociology of Rock Music)

藍川由美, 2002, 《〈演歌〉のススメ》, 文春新書 (AIKAWA Yumi, Encouragement of ‘Enka’)

生明俊雄, 2004, 《ポピュラー音楽は誰が作るのか―音楽産業の政治学》, 勁草書房 (AZAMI Toshio, Who Makes Popular Music: The Politics of Music Industry)

毛利嘉孝編, 2004, 《日式韓流―〈冬のソナタ〉と日韓大衆文化の現在》, せりか書房 (MORI Yoshitaka ed., Japanese-Korean Wave: Winter Sonata and the Current Situation of Popular Culture in Japan and Korea)

東谷護, 2005, 《進駐軍クラブから歌謡曲へ―戦後日本ポピュラー音楽の黎明期》, みすず書房 (TOYA Mamoru, From the Clubhouses of the U.S. Occupation Forces in Japan to Japanese Pop Song: The Early Stage of Postwar Japanese Popular Music)

三井徹監修, 2005, 《ポピュラー音楽とアカデミズム》, 音楽之友社 (MITSUI Toru ed. Popular Music and Academism)

小泉恭子, 2007, 《音楽をまとう若者》, 勁草書房 (KOIZUMI Kyoko, Youngsters Put On Music)

千葉優子, 2007, 《ドレミを選んだ日本人》, 音楽之友社 (CHIBA Yuko, Japanese Chose DoReMi)

宮入恭平, 2008, 《ライブハウス文化論》, 青弓社 (MIYAIRI Kyohei, Understanding Japanese Live House Culture)

宋安鐘, 2009, 《在日音楽の100年》, 青土社 (Song An Jong, One Hundred Years of Zainichi (Korean Residents in Japan) Music)

신현준, 2002, 《글로벌, 로컬, 한국의 음악 산업》, 한나래 (SHIN Hyun Jun, Global, Local, The Korean Music Industry)

민경찬, 2006, 《청소년을 위한 한국음악사: 양악편》, 두리미디어 (MIN Kyung Chan, Textbook Series for Youngsters - The History of Korean Music: Focusing on Western Music)

Taylor Atkins, 2001, Blue Nippon: Authenticating Jazz in Japan, Duke University Press.

Christine Yano, 2002, Tears of Longing: Nostalgia and the Nation in Japanese Popular Song, Harvard University Press.

Koichi Iwabuchi, 2002, Recentering Globalization: Popular Culture and Japanese Transnationalism, Duke University Press.

Ian Condry, 2006, Hip-Hop Japan: Rap and the Paths of Cultural Globalization, Duke University Press.

Eun-Young Jung, 2007, “Transnational Cultural Traffic in Northeast Asia: The “Presence” of Japan in Korea’s Popular Music Culture,” Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh. 
Week 1
2/22  Introduction to Course 
Week 2
3/1  Colonial Background I 
Week 3
3/8  Colonial Background II 
Week 4
3/15  1940s and 1950s I 
Week 5
3/22  1940s and 1950s II 
Week 6
3/29  No Class 
Week 7
4/5  Public Holiday (民族掃墓節) 
Week 8
4/12  1940s and 1950s III 
Week 9
4/19  1960s I 
Week 10
4/26  1960s II 
Week 11
5/3  1970s I 
Week 12
5/10  1970s II 
Week 13
5/17  1980s I 
Week 14
5/24  1980s II 
Week 15
5/31  1990s and 2000s 
Week 16
6/7  Class Presentations 
Week 17
6/14  Class Presentations 
Week 18
6/21  Term Paper Due